RDX Message Version 2.2.3: Changelog

--Use these links for Changlogs for previous RDX versions:

  • RDX Message Version 2.2.3

  • RDX Message Version 2.2.2

  • RDX Message Version 2.2.1

  • RDX Message Version 2.2.0

  • RDX Message Version 2.2.3 - Portuguese

  • RDX Message Version 2.2.3 - Spanish
  • 01/20241.0Items changed since RDXMessageVersion 2.2.2

    New elements have been added to RDX Version 2.2.3 to support the Behavioral Biometrics authentication flow.

    Behavioral Biometrics Updates:

  • IsBbConsentRequired field added

  • StepupResponse.Credentials.Credential (List) (Object)
  • CustomerId field added

  • ValidateRequest.BehavioralBiometricsResult (List) (Object) object added
  • CustomerId, Decision and RiskScore fields added

  • Mastercard 2.2 Updates:
    RiskRequestExemptionInfo (Object)
  • MCRiskScore field added

  • RiskRequestTransactionInfo.DeviceInfo (Object)
  • IPCountry field added; Country of origin from IP address.

  • Available only in browser-initiated transactions when the Method URL successfully completes.

    3RI Indicator Values
  • Delayed Shipment (15) and Split Payment (16) values have been added

  • StepupRequest.CardholderSelectionInfo (Object) updated to Conditional

    RiskRequest.TransactionInfo.BillingAddress (Object) fields have been updated as “Optional”

    New objects on the RDX RiskRequest message:
    ExtensionData (Object) > DAFExtension (Object):
  • AuthPayCredStatus

  • AuthPayProcessReqInd

  • DafAdvice

  • Version

    New fields and objects added to the TransactionInfo object on the RDX RiskRequest message:
    ThreeDSRequestorPriorAuthenticationInfo (Object) with new fields:
  • threeDSReqPriorAuthData

  • threeDSReqPriorAuthMethod

  • threeDSReqPriorAuthRef

  • threeDSReqPriorAuthTimestamp

  • RecurringInfo (Object)
  • RecurringExpiry

  • RecurringFrequency

  • New fields on the TransactionInfo (Object):
  • TransactionAmountUSD

  • TriggeredRuleName

  • TransStatusReason field has been added to the Risk, Stepup, InitiateAction and Validate response messages.
    oobAppURL field has been added to the Stepup Response message.
    Addition of Transaction Status Reason Values table (see Appendix )