RDX Specification

RiskRequest.TransactionInfo.DeviceInfo (Object)

UserAgentUser Agent for browser or Device Identifier for InApp purchase.StringUp to 2048 charactersOptional
IPIP address of the device.StringUp to 45 charactersOptional
LatitudeLatitude of the device based on geolocation or IP Address.StringUp to 50 charactersOptional
Longitude Longitude of the device based on geolocation or IP Address.StringUp to 50 charactersOptional
BrowserAcceptHeader Raw HTTP Accept header from the browser.StringUp to 50 charactersOptional
BrowserJavaEnabled Indicates whether the browser can execute Java.StringUp to 50 charactersOptional
BrowserJavascriptEnabled Indicates whether the browser can execute javascript.BooleanNAOptional
BrowserLanguage Browser language returned from navigator language property.StringUp to 8 charactersOptional
BrowserColorDepth Value representing the bit depth of the color palette.StringUp to 2 charactersOptional
BrowserScreenHeight Height of cardholder’s screen in pixels.StringUp to 6 charactersOptional
BrowserWidth Width of cardholder’s screen in pixels.StringUp to 6 charactersOptional
BrowserTimeZone Time difference between UTC time and the cardholder’s browser local time, in minutes.StringUp to 5 charactersOptional
IPCountryCountry of origin from IP address. Available only in browser-initiated transactions when the Method URL successfully completes.StringLength VariesConditional
PlatformPlatform of the device. Example, Android, iOSStringUp to 30 charactersOptional
DeviceModel Mobile device manufacturer and model.StringUp to 100 charactersOptional
OperatingSystemName Name of the device operating system.StringUp to 50 charactersOptional
OperatingSystemVersionVersion of the device operating system.StringUp to 25 charactersOptional
LocaleDevice Locale from the browser header or from the app’s language settings. This value can be a single locale value or multiple values concatenated with commas.

In EMV 3DS this is not available due to new flows so this will be a single language value following BCP 47 format.

  • en-US
  • en,es-PE;q=0.9,es;q=0.8
  • StringUp to 2048 charactersOptional
    AdvertisingIdUnique ID available for advertising and fraud detection purposes from the Merchant native app.StringUp to 128 charactersOptional
    ScreenResolutionPixel width and height. Example, 1080x1920.StringUp to 15 charactersOptional
    DeviceNameUser assigned device name.StringUp to 50 charactersOptional
    SDKAppIdUniversally Unique ID created upon all installations and updates of the 3DS Requestor App on a consumer device.StringUp to 36 charactersOptional
    DeviceExtendedDataBase64url encoded JSON Object. Device information gathered by 3DS SDK from a consumer device.StringUp to 64000 charactersOptional