RiskRequest.TransactionInfo (Object)
Name | Description | Type | Length | Required |
TransactionTimeStamp | Transaction timestamp in UTC per ISO 8601 UTC e.g. 2019-03-21T20:55:49.000Z | String (date-time); | 24 characters | Optional |
TransactionAmount | Transaction Amount (raw amount, example 1000 for $10.00) | Number | Up to 48 characters | Optional: Required for 02-NPA if 3DS Requestor Authentication Indicator = 02 or 03 |
TransactionAmountUSD | Transaction Amount in USD (raw amount, example 1000 for $10.00) | Number | Up to 48 characters | Optional: Required for 02-NPA if 3DS Requestor Authentication Indicator = 02 or 03 |
TransactionCurrency | ISO 4217; 3-digit numeric standard. Refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217 | String | 3 characters | Optional: Required for 02-NPA if 3DS Requestor Authentication Indicator = 02 or 03 |
TransactionExponent | Exponent for formatting the given currency ISO 4217 code. | Integer | One character | Optional |
TransactionType | Type of the transaction. Possible values: • Purchase • CardAdd | String | Enum | Optional |
MandatedRegion | A value describing the region in which mandates may apply to the current transaction. Added to support the new PSD2 transactions in the EEA. Possible Values: Note: This value will not be present unless the issuer works with their integration manager to turn on PSD2 features. Note: You must account for new values being added to this field over time due to new regulations being rolled out in other regions. Mandated Region Values | String | Enum | Optional |
PurchaseType | Type of purchase being authenticated. Purchase Type Values | String | Enum | Optional |
Channel | Channel in which the transaction occurs. Channel Values | String | Enum | Optional |
AddressMatch | Shipping Address matches the billing address. Y = shipping and billing address are the same, N = shipping and billing addresses are different. Value is 1 character. | String | One character | Optional |
MerchantAdditionalData | Additional data from Merchants that may be available on EMV 3DS transactions. RiskRequest.TransactionInfo.MerchantAdditionalData (Object) | Object | NA | Optional |
PaymentInfo | An object containing the payment information for the transaction including card number. RiskRequest.TransactionInfo.PaymentInfo (Object) | Object | NA | Optional |
BillingAddress | An object containing Billing Address. RiskRequest.TransactionInfo.BillingAddress (Object) | Object | NA | Optional |
ShippingAddress | An object containing Shipping Address. RiskRequest.TransactionInfo.ShippingAddress (Object) | Object | NA | Optional |
ShoppingCart | A list containing shopping cart items. RiskRequest.TransactionInfo.ShoppingCart (Object) | List.Object | NA | Optional |
ConsumerInfo | An object containing additional consumer information. RiskRequest.TransactionInfo.ConsumerInfo (Object) | Object | NA | Optional |
ConsumerWalletInfo | An object containing consumer wallet information. RiskRequest.TransactionInfo.ConsumerWalletInfo (Object) | Object | NA | Optional |
DeviceInfo | An object containing device information from the transaction. RiskRequest.TransactionInfo.DeviceInfo (Object) | Object | NA | Optional |
RiskProviderInfo | An object containing the Risk Provider used for the current transaction along with session information. RiskRequest.TransactionInfo.RiskProviderInfo (Object) | Object | NA | Optional |
TriggeredRuleName | Name of Rule triggered during risk processing. | String | Up to 254 characters | Optional |
RecurringInfo | An object containing the recurring payment information, used for processing 3RI transactions. RiskRequest.TransactionInfo.RecurringInfo | Object | NA | Optional |
ThreeDSRequestorPriorAuthenticationInfo | An object containing prior transaction authentication information, used for processing 3RI transactions. RiskRequest.TransactionInfo.ThreeDSRequestorPriorAuthenticationInfo | Object | NA | Optional |
Updated 10 months ago