SendAuthenticationResultDetail.MerchantInfo (Object)

AcquirerIdAcquirerID for the merchant performing the purchase request.StringUp to 11 charactersOptional
AcquirerCountryCodeCountry code of the Acquirer. ISO 3166-1 Numeric format.StringUp to 3 charactersOptional
MerchantIdMerchantId for the merchant performing the purchase request.StringUp to 35 charactersOptional
MerchantNameMerchant name for the merchant performing the purchase request.StringUp to 40 charactersOptional
MerchantURLURL or App Name for the merchant performing the purchase request.StringUp to 2048 charactersRequired
MerchantCategoryCodeCode used to describe the merchant’s type of business product or service.String4 charactersOptional
MerchantCountryCodeCountry code of the merchant:

  • For 3DS 1.0 transactions this value is alpha-2 format e.g. US
  • For EMV 3DS transactions this value is numeric-3 format; e.g. 840
  • StringUp to 3 charactersOptional