SendAuthenticationResultDetail.TransactionInfo.MerchantAdditionalData (Object)

ShippingIndicatorIndicates shipping method chosen for the transaction. Possible values:

  • ShipToBillingAddress
  • ShipToVerifiedAddress
  • ShipToOtherAddress
  • ShipToStore
  • DigitalGoods
  • TravelOrEventTickets
  • Other
  • StringEnumOptional
    DeliveryTimeFrameDelivery timeframe. Possible values:

  • ElectronicDelivery
  • SameDayShipping
  • OvernightShipping
  • TwoOrMoreDaysShipping
  • StringEnumOptional
    DeliveryEmailAddressEmail address where merchandise was delivered.StringUp to 254 charactersOptional
    ReorderItemsIndicatorIndicates whether the cardholder ordered previously. Possible values:

  • FirstTime
  • Reordered
  • StringEnumOptional
    PreorderPurchaseIndicatorIndicates purchase with future availability. Possible values:

  • MerchandiseAvailable
  • FutureAvailability
  • StringEnumOptional
    PreorderDateExpected date merchandise is available; YYYYMMDDString8 charactersOptional
    GiftCardAmountFor a gift card, this is the purchase amount, represented in raw amount; example 1000 for $10.00StringUp to 15 charactersOptional
    GiftCardCurrencyISO 4217 3-digit numeric standard. Refer to: charactersOptional
    GiftCardCountTotal count of individual prepaid or gift cards/codes purchased.String2 charactersOptional