
RequestIDSystem generated transaction reference ID. This field is named “TransactionId” in the VCAS RDX API.StringUp to 36 charactersRequired
IssuerOrgIdOrganization ID designated by VCAS. Hexadecimal value.StringUp to 24 charactersOptional
DSTransactionIdDirectory Server (DS) generated transaction reference id. GUID Format. Note: Required for EMV 3DS 2.x transactions only.String36 charactersConditional
TransStatusReasonA value from the VCAS TransStatusReason field that will appear on either the ARes or RReq message (depending on whether or not the transaction was challenged).
Transaction Status Reason Values
String2 charactersConditional
CAVVPayment system specific value that is used to provide proof of authentication. This is the Base64 representation of the authentication value.StringUp to 28 charactersOptional
CAVVHexPayment system specific value that is used to provide proof of authentication. This is the Hexadecimal representation of the authentication value.StringUp to 40 charactersOptional
ECIPayment system specific value provided by ACS to indicate results of the attempt to authenticate.String2 charactersOptional
MessageVersionVersion of the message based on 3DS specification; i.e. 1.0.2, 2.1.0, 2.2.0.StringUp to 8 charactersOptional
AuthenticationResponseThe authentication response which is sent back to the merchant in 3DS. Possible values:

  • Y - Fully Authenticated
  • N - Not Authenticated
  • U - Unavailable
  • A - Attempts (only supported for 3DS 1.0.2 transactions)
  • R - Rejected (only supported for EMV 3DS 2.X.X transactions)
  • I - Informational Only (only supported for EMV 3DS 2.2.0+)
    See Authentication Responses in the ADX Overview for more information.
  • StringEnumOptional
    AuthenticationType *Type of authentication credential used for a given transaction.
    Possible values:

  • OTP
  • blank
  • StringEnumOptional
    RiskScoreRisk score of the transaction as determined by VCAS.String2 charactersOptional
    MerchantChallengeIndicatorIndicates whether a challenge is requested from the merchant.
    Note: EMV 3DS transactions only.
    Note: Please allow for future values in this field. EMV has reserved up to 99 values for future use.
    Merchant Challenge Indicator Values
    MerchantInfoObject containing the Merchant information.
    SendAuthenticationResultDetail.MerchantInfo (Object)
    TransactionInfoObject containing the Transaction information.
    SendAuthenticationResultDetail.TransactionInfo (Object)
    AdditionalRiskResultInfoObject containing additional risk result information.
    ExemptionInfoObject containing exemption information.
    SendAuthenticationResultDetail.ExemptionInfo (Object)
    ExtensionDataObject containing transaction extension information.
    SendAuthenticationResultDetail.ExtensionData (Object)
    ThreeRIIndIndicates the type of 3RI request:
    • 01 = Recurring transaction
    • 02 = Instalment transaction
    • 03 = Add card
    • 04 = Maintain card information
    • 05 = Account verification
    • 06 = Split/delayed shipment
    • 07 = Top-up
    • 08 = Mail Order
    • 09 = Telephone Order
    • 10 = Whitelist status check
    • 11 = Other payment
    • 12–79 = Reserved for EMVCo future use (values invalid until defined by EMVCo)
    • 80–99 = Reserved for DS use
    String2 charactersOptional
    Object containing prior transaction authentication data for 3DS request. ThreeDSRequestorPriorAuthenticationInfoObjectNAOptional

    The AuthenticationType field is referred to as “CredentialType” in other Cardinal services. This is not the same as authentication type in reports. This field will be blank in the case where no credentials were used, as in the case of a non-challenge transaction. SendAuthenticationResultDetail.ThreeDSRequestorPriorAuthenticationInfo