RDX Specification

RiskRequest.ExemptionInfo (Object)

MerchantFraudRate Merchant fraud rate. Value of 1 or 2 characters.

Note: Currently only available on Mastercard EMV 3DS transactions where extension data is present. Will be available in future EMV versions.

Note: Fraud rate in the EEA calculated as per PSD2 RTS. Mastercard will not calculate or validate the merchant fraud score.

Merchant Fraud Rate Values
StringUp to 2 charactersRequired
SecureCorporatePayment Indicates that dedicated payment processes and procedures were used, and that a secure corporate payment exemption may apply. Logically this field should only be set to yes (Y) if the acquirer exemption field is blank. A merchant cannot claim both acquirer exemption and secure payment. However, the DS will not validate the conditions in the extension. DS will pass data as presented.

Possible values: "Y" or "N".

Note: Currently only available on Mastercard EMV 3DS transactions where extension data is present.
String1 characterOptional
MCRiskScoreMastercard risk score provided on the AReq message extension. This field is configurable by issuers, however, issuers must request this feature to be enabled. Only applicable for Mastercard transactions.String 3 characters
WhitelistStatus Indicates current whitelist status as indicated by the 3DS Server and the DS on the authentication request.

Whitelist Status Values
WhitelistStatusSource Indicates the source for whitelisting request. This will be the initial value sent to VCAS on the authentication request.

Possible Values:

  • Merchant
  • DS
  • StringEnumOptional