RDX Specification

StepupResponse.Error (Object)

Note: Currently, these fields are only available for MasterCard PSD2 transactions. For details refer to MasterCard document “Authentication Guide for Europe, Version 1.2 12 September 2019”

ReferenceNumber System reference number for the error message.StringUp to 15 charactersOptional
ReasonDescription Used by the issuer for informational purposes.StringUp to 256 charactersOptional
Description A description of the error.StringUp to 50 charactersOptional
Message A message that can be used to display text to the cardholder on certain templates. Supported statuses for this field are BLOCKED, ERROR and FAILWITHFEEDBACK.

Note: that the Issuer must also be configured for an error screen for ERROR status to work correctly.

For EMV 3DS transactions this value will be inserted into a message field that is sent back to the Merchant. This field must be a maximum of 128 characters and is not combined with any other data. If this field is omitted then any static content that is stored for the Issuer and template will be returned.
StringUp to 128 charactersOptional