RDX Specification


Response to the Validate Request.

ValidateRequest API Reference: Interactive request/response specification

ValidateRequest Code Recipe: Pseudocode resource with code snippets

ProcessorId Echoed from Request.String24 charactersRequired
IssuerId Echoed from Request.String24 charactersRequired
TransactionId Echoed from Request.StringUp to 36 charactersRequired
StepupRequestId Echoed from Request.StringUp to 36 charactersRequired
Language Language to display the instructions and prompt to the cardholder. This value will decide which template is loaded, provided the language template is available. If not provided, the language is selected based on the issuer configuration and browser preference.


  • en
  • en-US
  • StringUp to 8 charactersOptional
    CredentialId ID value from StepupResponse ➤CredentialStringUp to 36 charactersOptional
    Status Status of the validation request. Possible values:

  • SUCCESS: Ends the transaction with a successful authentication status to the merchant
  • RETRY: Allows the cardholder to re-attempt authentication and validation logic can be built to limit the number of authentication attempts.

    Note: This status is only applicable when VCAS is not validating the issuer’s OTP or Token value.

  • STEPUP: Allows the cardholder to be challenged again and will start the RDX process over again with a new RDX Stepup Request
  • PENDING: Will initiate another Validate Request from VCAS to the issuer after 2 seconds and will only be used when StepUpResponse ➤ Type is OUTOFBANDOTHER or BIOMETRIC
  • FAILURE: Ends the transaction with a failed authentication status to the merchant
  • FAILWITHFEEDBACK: Presents a screen to the cardholder with instructions to get help and will send back a failed authentication status to the merchant
  • ERROR: Returns an unavailable authentication status to the merchant
  • BLOCKED: Blocks the card and returns a failed authentication status to the merchant, future authentication attempts are failed until unblocked
  • REJECTED: Only supported for 2.x.x transactions. This status ends the transaction with a rejected authentication status to the merchant and indicates they should not proceed with authorization
  • StringEnumRequired
    TransStatusReasonProvides information on why the Transaction Status field has the specified value. Transaction Status Reason Values String2 charactersOptional
    RiskIndicator If returned, this value will be used in the creation of certain Authentication Values (AV) for EMV 3DS.

    The value passed must conform to the current AV value the issuer is using. This may also depend on the card brand of the transaction. For example, CAVV and IAV accept different values.

    On Challenge responses (Stepup, InitiateAction, Validate) this value is currently ignored for CAVV usages in favor of mapping to the “Credential Type”. For Enhanced IAV SPA2 usage, if passed, this value will override the mapping to the “Credential Type”.

    Note: This value will be converted to the hexadecimal equivalent. Please see the “VCAS Enhanced AV Support Guide” for more details on current AVs available and the corresponding values.
    StringUp to 3 charactersOptional
    Reason An object that can be used for sending a status code and description.

    Error An object that can be used to convey an error message on the response.

    RReqOverridesFor the Embedded OOB flow, the StepupType for this transaction is OUTOFBAND_EMBEDDED. For this flow, RReqOverrides is a required object on the Validate Response.

    The field is an object that contains four fields, all of which directly affect fields on the RReq message:

  • AuthenticationMethod (Enum)
  • AuthenticationAttempts (String)
  • CustomerCancel (Boolean)
  • TransStatusReason (Enum)

  • ObjectNAConditional