RDX Specification

StepupResponse.Credentials.Credential (List)(Object)

CustomerIdHolds issuer’s customer ID for creating/building behavioral biometrics profile.String36 charactersRequired for behavioral biometrics flow
IdIdentifier for the credential requested, this will be passed on the InitiateAction request as well as the ValidateRequest. Length must be 36 characters.
Note: The Id must be unique per credential object returned. The Id is used to distinguish the specific credential type and cardholder credential in preceding InitiateAction and ValidateRequest calls.
String36 charactersRequired
TypeType of credential used for Stepup. Possible values:

  • OUTOFBANDTOKEN (only used with Embedded OOB)
    Note: Credential Type values will display on the VCAS Choice screen in the order they are implemented in the Credential object.
  • StringEnumRequired
    TextDynamic data to be displayed to the cardholder i.e. masked phone number or email address.

    Certain browser templates will only display a limited number of characters before showing an ellipsis (...). Up to 35 characters. In EMV SDK flows the text space is limited to 40 characters.

    Valid UTF-8 characters supported by browser and SDK flows e.g. ®, ©, and ™. Special mapping is currently available in case issuer cannot send the Unicode Registered Trademark ®. In this case if the issuer sends exactly (R) it will be converted on the fly to Unicode equivalent.

    Cardholder’s mobile phone number; ex: +12167891234. Format will follow the E.164 standard.
    StringUp to 254 charactersOptional
    TokenToken field will be contained in the post request to the issuer and posted in the embedded iframe.

    This is only available for StepupType OUTOFBAND_EMBEDDED. Required when Credential.Type is OUTOFBANDTOKEN
    StringUp to 1024 charactersConditional