StepupResponse.Credentials.Credential (List)(Object)
Name | Description | Type | Length | Required |
CustomerId | Holds issuer’s customer ID for creating/building behavioral biometrics profile. | String | 36 characters | Required for behavioral biometrics flow |
Id | Identifier for the credential requested, this will be passed on the InitiateAction request as well as the ValidateRequest. Length must be 36 characters. Note: The Id must be unique per credential object returned. The Id is used to distinguish the specific credential type and cardholder credential in preceding InitiateAction and ValidateRequest calls. | String | 36 characters | Required |
Type | Type of credential used for Stepup. Possible values: Note: Credential Type values will display on the VCAS Choice screen in the order they are implemented in the Credential object. | String | Enum | Required |
Text | Dynamic data to be displayed to the cardholder i.e. masked phone number or email address. Certain browser templates will only display a limited number of characters before showing an ellipsis (...). Up to 35 characters. In EMV SDK flows the text space is limited to 40 characters. Valid UTF-8 characters supported by browser and SDK flows e.g. ®, ©, and ™. Special mapping is currently available in case issuer cannot send the Unicode Registered Trademark ®. In this case if the issuer sends exactly (R) it will be converted on the fly to Unicode equivalent. Cardholder’s mobile phone number; ex: +12167891234. Format will follow the E.164 standard. | String | Up to 254 characters | Optional |
Token | Token field will be contained in the post request to the issuer and posted in the embedded iframe. This is only available for StepupType OUTOFBAND_EMBEDDED. Required when Credential.Type is OUTOFBANDTOKEN | String | Up to 1024 characters | Conditional |
Updated about 2 months ago