RDX Specification

3RI Indicator Values

The 3RI Indicator is used for frictionless authentication when either the consumer or the authenticating device can not be included in a challenge. The issuer, per EMV, cannot reply with a “C” or Challenge response on the Authentication request.

This table lists the set of values available for this field based on the Message Version and the 2.2.0 version of the RDX specification. Issuers should design their systems in a way that allows for new values to be added to this field over time. EMV has reserved 99 possible values for this field but has only defined the values below.

NameEMV 3DS ValueRDX Message Version: 2.2.0+ MessageVersion: 2.1.0RDX Message Version: 2.2.0+ MessageVersion: 2.2.0
SplitOrDelayedShipment06n/a (field will be null or missing)SplitOrDelayedShipment
TopUp07n/a (field will be null or missing)TopUp
MailOrder08n/a (field will be null or missing)MailOrder
TelephoneOrder09n/a (field will be null or missing)TelephoneOrder
WhitelistStatusCheck10n/a (field will be null or missing)WhitelistStatusCheck
OtherPayment11n/a (field will be null or missing)OtherPayment
DelayedShipment15Delayed ShipmentDelayed Shipment
Split Payment16Split PaymentSplit Payment
Reserved for EMVCo Use12-79Reserved for EMVCo future use (values invalid until defined by EMVCo)Reserved for EMVCo future use (values invalid until defined by EMVCo)
Reserved for DS Use80-99Reserved for DS UseReserved for DS Use